Programme for Active Learning
Department Goals
Enabling Primary 1 and 2 students to aspire towards being passionate learners and caring leaders.
Our Approach
We know our students best. Leveraging PAL to build Teacher-Student Relationship (TSR) enhances character building. Bearing in mind positive student learning experiences, PAL lessons are 100% designed by our PAM team and facilitated by our teachers!
Themed “All Around Us”, PAL@Oasis nurtures confidence, sparks curiosity and develop cooperative skills through myriad learning experiences that are contextualized with school facilities and community spaces in mind. Around the school, we have created areas for interactive learning which is key to our school’s Place-Based Learning (PBL). Outside school, the affordances of the Punggol Waterway provide an enriching learning environment for students to deepen their connection to the community and their role in keeping their environment clean and green.
PAL@Oasis comprises 4 learning domains - Sports and Games (S&G), Outdoor Education (OE), Performing Arts (PA) and Visual Arts (VA). Every domain is a term-long series of weekly lessons that are age-appropriate and contextualized in different learning domains to enable student to espouse socio-emotional competencies such as respecting others and responsible decision making.