Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I sign up for PSG?
You can drop us an email to, use this link (, or scan the QR code to register your interest as a Parent Volunteer.

2. What is required to be part of the PSG?
You don’t need to have any qualification to be part of the PSG family. If you have a desire to help the children, support other parents and the school, we welcome you.
3. What are the areas I can contribute?
There are many events and programmes running throughout the year. You can contribute to areas where you have the skills or expertise such as arts and crafts, storytelling and singing. On the Parents Volunteer Form, we have indicated some areas in which parents can support.
4. What is the expected level of commitment required? Are there minimum hours that I need to fulfil?
You are not required to volunteer for every event. All the volunteering hours will be recorded by PSG and School. Every PVs is required to contribute to at least 4 hours per year.
5. How far ahead will I know of the upcoming events that I can help?
In general, the parent volunteers will be informed of the events at least 3 weeks in advance so that planning and preparation can be carried out smoothly. The Committee will have a schedule of events for the year which will be disseminated to all PVs at the start of the year. We will also inform all PVs of the events again at the beginning of each school term.
6. Do I need to participate in all the events?
It is not necessary for you to participate in all the events, however you must meet the minimum requirement, i.e. volunteering at least 4 hours per year.
7. What about working parents? Are they allowed to join PSG?
All the parents of children attending Oasis Primary School are welcome to be part of PSG whether you are stay home parent or working parent.
8. Am I allowed to pull out my participation in the event I have signed up and cannot make it due to some urgent matters?
Yes, you can. We understand that there may be urgent matters that crop out at times. The other parent volunteers will step in to cover your duty.
9. Who should I contact should I not be able to participate in the events at last minute notice?
You can contact the Programme Co-ordinator for the programme/event in the PSG team.
10. Can I indicate the areas of contribution I am interested in but will confirm my participation closer to the event?
Yes, you can. Let us know the areas where you can contribute or interested in to help even if you do not have the skill sets needed. We need to know this in advance so that we can form the team for each programme early.
11. What are the communication modes?
We have two modes of communication. We use WhatsApp messenger to communicate on events and school matters on a regular basis. PSG has an official Facebook group for parent volunteers where we share contents on parenting, school matters and photos of events. The PSG Facebook Group and WhatsApp chat groups are meant for parent volunteers only.
12. Will my child get more advantage(s) and more benefit(s) than those children whose parents did not join PSG?
Your child will not get extra privileges or benefits. Every child is equal in school. The objective of PSG is to work with school as a team and to support the school in their programmes for the students.
13. Can PSG influence the way school conducts its lessons and activities (i.e. for example suggesting new subjects, topics that the school can pursue)?
PSG will not interfere with the school teaching processes and administration. However, we are welcome to provide feedback to make things better in school.
14. Is there a Committee or a group of existing Parents Volunteers whom I can speak to later?
We have a team of Parent Volunteers whom you can always speak to. You can also drop us an email at
15. Can I still sign up to be a Parent Volunteer later during the school term instead of now?
Yes, you can. However, you will need to meet the minimum number of hours specified, i.e. 4 hours.
16. I want to help out but I don’t know what to contribute. Can I still join the PSG?
We can always find an area where you can contribute. All we need is your commitment and time to make each programme a success.