School Rules
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Students are to be clean shaven, and no wearing of beards and moustache.
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Attire and Grooming
School Uniform
Students must wear the school uniform whenever they are in the school premises and when they are out representing the school for external competitions/activities. This includes Saturdays and school holidays.
Students are only allowed to put on the PE attire on days when they have PE lessons, PAL lessons, CCAs, learning journeys or enrichment programmes.
Students’ Name Tag
The student’s name tag must be sewn on securely above the school crest.
Shoes and Socks
White canvas shoes and white socks are to be worn.
Students are not allowed to wear track shoes/ sport socks bearing logos.
Students are not allowed to wear ankle socks.
Hair should be kept neat and simply styled.
Hair for Boys

Hair must be neatly cropped, combed, short and neat. It should not touch the eyebrows or collar.
The back of the hair must be sloped and squared (no ‘tail’).
Spiky, punky, outlandish or coloured hair is not allowed.
Hair for Girls

Short hair should be kept neat. It should not touch the collar.
Shoulder-length or long hair must be neatly tied up into a pony tail or plaited. Only black or dark blue hair band/ ribbon/rubber band/ hair clip is allowed.
Fringe must be short and above the eyebrows. Long fringe must be clipped up neatly.
Spiky, punky, outlandish or coloured hair is not allowed.
Fingernails must be short, clean and unpainted. No nail polish is allowed.
Only a pair of simple gold or silver ear-studs is allowed.
Friendship bands and rings are not allowed.
No other accessories are allowed.
Primary 1 and Primary 2
Primary 1 and Primary 2 students are to wear Junior uniform every day, including days with PE lessons.

Primary 3 to Primary 6
Primary 3 to Primary 6 students are to wear their school uniform on days with no House Practice, CCA and PE lessons.

PE Attire
Primary 3 to Primary 6 students are to wear PE attire for PE lessons, House Practice and Sports CCA.

Attendance and Punctuality
All students are expected to be punctual for school. They must be seated in the assembly area by 7.30 a.m.
All students must attend school regularly.
Attendance at the Flag Raising and Pledge-Taking Ceremony is compulsory for all students.
Assignments are to be handed in on time.
Permission Tags
Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without their teacher’s approval.
Permission tags are to be worn when leaving the classroom.
School Property
Vandalising the school property is a serious offence.
Appropriate Conduct
Students are expected to develop self-discipline and good manners.
Students are not to leave the school premises during school hours
Students are not allowed to run and shout in the school premises.
Students are not allowed to stay in the classroom during recess unless a teacher is present.
Students must:
Queue up in an orderly manner when ordering food.
Return all eating utensils at the designated places.
Consume all food and drinks in the canteen.
Keep the school premises clean.
Walk on the left side.
Walk silently and orderly along the corridor.
Obey and respect all teachers, support staff, class and student leaders, and parents.
Behave well and be courteous in and outside the school premises.
Students are not allowed to bring the following items to school:
Hand-held games
Card games
MP3 players
Metal rulers
Laser pointers
Sharp-pointed objects
Matches/ lighters
Items that are considered dangerous or inappropriate in school
Personal Digital Devices
Students are not to use personal digital devices, including smartphones and smartwatches, during school hours including recess, CCA and all after-school programmes.
Students who bring such devices are to switch them off and put them in their school bags when they come to school. Students should bear responsibility for safekeeping of their devices.
Students are only allowed to use personal digital devices after they leave school.
If students misuse their personal digital devices in school, it will be kept by the school. The Form Teacher or staff will notify parents to collect the device. Misuse of the device may lead to disciplinary action.